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Giving Thanks to Those Who Keep You Safe


Thank you in any language is music to the ears and a boost of encouragement. Gracias. Merci. Grazie. Danke. Mahalo.

Sharing appreciation for a job well done is something we at TeamSignal Security hear often. Our officers are on the frontlines keeping thousands upon thousands of everyday citizens safe and secure at work, at home, and around the community. These dedicated professionals never tire of knowing they are truly making a difference for you.

Keeping a Watchful Eye

This Thanksgiving season, while many of us are gathering with family and friends, our TeamSignal officers will be dependably on duty safeguarding Apartments. Hospitals. Retail Stores. Factories. Warehouses. Sports Arenas. Shopping Malls. Event Centres. Anywhere people gather weekday through weekend—we are there keeping a watchful eye and assisting when needs arise.

During the bustling holidays, our security teams do not let down their guard, and in many cases, we increase security measures because of heightened crime rates at year’s end.

We all appreciate and need unexpected messages of support. For some of you that’s sharing a quick note or text. For others that’s surprising an officer with a gift card or even a plate of fresh-baked cookies. Your gestures of appreciation are not quickly forgotten.

Yet beyond any tangible gifts, we honestly value your smiles when we greet you at the front door or walk you safely to your car. We value the thumbs up and handshakes and head nods when we simply do our jobs with excellence.

Remaining Grateful for You

So in the coming weeks as you gather with loved ones and reflect back on the year, we want to take a moment and recognize how much we remain grateful for you being a loyal TeamSignal client.

Thank you, gracias, merci, grazie, danke, mahalo. Without you and other respected companies trusting us to be there for your security needs, there would be no TeamSignal. What an honour to partner with you to keep your property and people safe with a steady peace of mind. 

If you’re still considering the best security options for your business, neighborhood or community, we would be glad to tell you more about our nearly two decades of customized security services.

Learn More About TeamSignal Security

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